Treaty of Waitangi

LI: To understand the Treaty of Waitangi

For this task we researched about the treaty of Waitangi and the history before the treaty of Waitangi happened. First we learnt about the year 1840, and how slavery was still around. Then came the Britain to Aoteroa with missionaries to spread Christianity across New Zealand. To learn more about the Treaty of Waitangi read our slide deck provided above.

I found this tasks interesting because I learnt what New Zealand was like before I was born.



Taniwha Name

LI: To understand the Treaty of Waitangi.

LI: Understand how culture connects with your name.

Our task was to incorprate our name into a taniwha/design. First I looked for designs that could possibly incorprate my name. I chose to draw the face of taniwha and put the M behind the eyes, and the eye as a koru. I then left the rest as it is.

I enjoyed this task because I used my creative ideas for this task.

Sound Focus: ei as in long /a/

LI: Sound Focus: ei as in long /a/

For spelling we learnt about the sound “ei” as a long /a/. First we looked at words that include the sound “ei”. For example: reindeer, beige, and skein. When saying these words make sure the “ei” sounds like the letter name /a/. We then chose a word which was rein. Rein is the thing that is wrapped around the horse and if you need to stop you pull on the rein.

I found this task interesting because I never knew that the sound “ei” could sound like a long /a/.

Leaders We Admire

Our task was to choose a leader we admire and researched about them. I chose Aung San Suu Kyi because she stood up against the Burmese military and had a belief that everyone should have equality and freedom. She risked her life protesting for the Burmese citizens. Aung San Suu Kyi is known as the leader of the National League for Democracy in Myanmar.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt more about a positive leader from my country.

2024 Vision Board

LI: to visualise your goals.

Our task was to create a vision of a leader we admire and look up to from our culture, I chose Eh Myo Oo. I chose him because he has inspired me to play sports and play takaraw (foot volleyball) with confidence, and to be hardworking to achieve my goals.

I found this task fun and interesting because I learnt about an athlete I admire.

Statistical Investigations

LI: To read the text, gather, sort, graph, and analyse the data.

Our task was to create a statistical investigation. First we posed a question which was “What sports do you play?” The next step was to gather the data, many students don’t play sports this may be because they are interested in their devices rather than playing sports. The most played sport in our class LS2 is rugby, the next played sport is volleyball.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt more about my class mates.

Kawa of Care – Quest

For the Kawa of Care Quest I completed a quiz which had questions about the Kawa of Care. I have completed the Kawa of Care Quest and answered all the questions right. One of the questions was “when using your chromebook no —–  is allowed near your chromebook?” There were 2 options which were food/drinks and books. I chose food and I was correct. Try out the quiz yourself by clicking on this link. Kawa of Care

I found this activity fun because the quiz was fun and it also refreshed my brain about the Kawa of Care.

My Pepeha

LI: To write and say our pepeha.

To help us get to know each other we have written our pepehas. This allows us to make connections and form friendships with our classmates.  A pepeha is introducing who you are, where you and your ancestors from and where you grew up. For example: I am Burmese and my ancestors are from Myanmar.

I found this activity interesting and fun because I learnt how to say who I am in a different language.

Tangrams Kick Start | Summer Learning Journey

For this activity I needed to create 4 images only using and rotating shapes from tangram. I created a football, kangaroo, shark and a house. Out of these 4 images ny favourite image to create was the football one because football is my favourite sport and it was fun and challenging to do this image.


Which one doesn’t belong? Kick Start | Summer Learning Journey

For this activity I needed to write a reason why one of the shapes don’t belong there. For the first slide I think the bottom left shape doesn’t belong because it is the only shape that is pink. The top left shape doesn’t belong because it is the only 4 sided shape coloured in blue. The top right shape doesn’t belong because it is the only shape that is three sided. The bottom right shape doesn’t belong because it is the only shape not coloured in.

I challenge my readers to solve my puzzle on the last slide and you can do this by commenting your answer on this blog post.