Google Meets Panmure Bridge School

Google’s amazing New Zealand team, Steve, Caro, Teyha and Simon came and visited Panmure Bridge School to give us advice and answered some of our questions. First they introduced themselves and asked us some questions like if we knew how long New Zealands Google headquarters has been existed. Their office in New Zealand has been existing for 16 years!

They then gave us some advice, the advice Steve, Caro, Teyha, and Simon gave us was truly inspiring. The piece of advice that opened my mind was was to dream big even when they are problems interfering with our dreams because possibilities are achievable. Google told us about the large language model which is a data base that reads information that you give it so that it is able to answer our questions. It’s like a large language model takes information that you feed it and is able to give you a wide selection of information you ask it. For example if somebody read every book in the library they can quickly think back to the books they read and answer the question.

Lastly I asked them if they think AI will take over Google. Steve then answered by saying that the AI they use is controlled like a handbrake on a car which means it will do amazing things to help Google but it will not take over. Did you know that the name “Google” is a missplelling of Googal? Googal is the number 1 followed by 100 zeros which was picked to show search engine was intended to provide large number of information.

I enjoyed this experience because I learnt important lessons and tips to help me stay on the right path for my future.


Swamp Tigers

LI: To create a multi-modal DLO that tells others about swamp tigers.

Our challenge was to research about swamp tigers and create multi-modal DLO that teaches others about swamp tigers. The first we did was watch videos and research about the animal. We found out that swamp tigers are afraid of humans as humans are afraid of swamp tigers. This may be because humans are taking away the swamp tigers natural habitat. The scientific name for a swamp tiger is  Panthera tigris tigris. Our DLO teaches what the swamp tiger’s diet, appearance, behaviour, habitat, and some interesting facts. The swamp tiger is a carnivore this means they only eat meat. Did you know many fishermen are killed and since swamp tigers see everything living as prey? Finding a swamp tiger is impossible due to the fact they are well blended in with its surroundings. 

I found this task interesting and fun because I learnt how fascinating this animal is.

Samoan Hand Tatau Pattern

LI: make a pattern for Samoan language week.

Our task was to create a pattern for Samoan Language Week. It is called a Samoan Hand Tatau, we found designs to put on our hand. The designs on my 4 fingers represents my family line, and the design above it is a seagle which represents my dad leading, protecting, and looking out for our family. The flowers are traditional flowers in the Samoan culture. The designs on my thumb represents my faith and how I am protected by God.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt how Samoans show their story through the Hand tatau.

3D Shapes

LI: the name and properties of 3D Shapes. LI: label 3D shapes

Our task was to name, label 3D shapes and find an item that we use everyday that is a 3D shape. For example: A sphere has 1 face and 0 vertices because a sphere is round and has no edges. An everyday item is a ball, that we use to play basketball, football, dodgeball and many more. A cube has 6 faces and 8 verticies. An example of an everyday item is a rubix cube.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt the details and how to label 3d shapes.

How to do Subtraction Algorithm

Subtraction is a way to find the difference between 2 numbers. An example is: 254 – 124=. The first step is to start with the ones column so 4-4=0. Then move on the tens column which is 5-2=3. Lastly the hundreds, 2-1=1. The answer is 130. Tip: You can borrow 1 from the left column next to the column you are in. It is important to keep everything aligned when doing the algorithm.

I enjoyed this because I helped others on how to do subtraction.

Portion Sizes

LI: to learn about portion sizes and healthy eating.

We learnt about portion sizes and healthy eating. The food catergories is Protein, Dairy, Grains, and Vegtables. Protein provides us a source of energy and is good for our muscles. Vegetables and fruits are high in vitamins. For example: Oranges are high in vitamin C. Grains are high in fiber, which lowers the risk of diabetes. Dairy is high is calcium which is strength our bones.

I found this task helpful because now I am aware to balance food with different portions of food.


Howick Historical Village

We went on a trip down the history lane of how Panmure, and Howick looked like in the 1870s. Our first attraction was the walk around the village, we explored houses, churhes, and schools. In the 1870s teachers who aren’t married was forced to come school two hours before it started and clean the floors, prepare the lesson, and start a fire. In one of the houses we noticed a dead Pukeko, stuffed with some things such as newspaper. This is called taxi dermy, taxi dermy is when an animal is used for display and is stuffed with things. We then made butter which suprisingly only needed cream. The science behind is that when cream gets thinked by propeling like a whisk it turns into butter. The butter tasted really good it really surprised me that it only needed one ingredient. Our last attraction was buliding a trolley the old fashion way. Compared to this generations cart it is really different considering the trolley cart is controlled by foot and needs to be pushed by someone. On the other hand our carts are powered by engines and petrol.

This trip was fun and interesting because I experienced what it was like in 1870.

Sentence Structure

LI: To explore sentences structure.

For this challenge I can see I have a clear understanding of simple and compound sentences. I need to focus my complex sentences. A simple sentence is a only 1 independent clause, with a noun, and verb. For example: I went to the shops. A compound sentence is 2 independent clauses connected with conjunction FANBOYS (for, and, nor, or, but, or, yet, so). For example: I wanted to eat Mcdonalds, but my parents said no. A complex sentence is has 1 independent clause and 1 or more dependent clause.

Simple and Compound Sentence

LI: To explore sentences structure.

A simple sentence contains an idea, full stops, capital letters, and verbs. An example is: The cat ran across the road. The noun is “cat” and the verb is “ran.” A compound sentence is 2 simple sentences connected with FANBOYS (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So).

I found this helpful because it gave me a good reminder.

Haiku Poem Tamaki Awa

The structure of a haiku poem is 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line, and 5 syllabes in the last line. Syllabes are the chunks or sounds you hear in a word. When I hear  Our Whenua I think of our motorway from the past, our tamaki awa.

I enjoyed this task as I learnt how to write a Haiku poem.