Tag: T Shaped Literacy

Describing a scene

LI: To describe a scene

Our challenge was to list 5 words to describe the image. We could use any word except the names of the actual colours in the picture. I used my knowledge of colour symbolism which is the understanding that colours can be associated to different themes. The colours in first image are red, dark blue, purple, yellow and black, but I used vibrant, radiant, beaming, saturated, and stained. The secoud image showcases colours such as grey, white, and black, but I used boredom, washed, dim, colourless, and watery.

I found this task hard since we only had 5 minutes to do this task and we couldn’t use the real name of the colour.

Why should my superhero (Hayma) should be in Marvel

LI: To explain why our superhero be in Marvel.

Email Link 

Our challenge was to write an email to DC or Marvel to explain why our superhero character should be added to the DC or Marvel group. As you can see from my explanation above I feel my character would be best suited to Groot because they both have a great connections with the amazing nature. Since Groot can also control nature, and Hayma’s nemesis is Thuzar which has a weakness to fire and Groot is resistant to fire so he use fire to attack Thuzar.

I enjoyed this task because I felt proud writing an explaination about a superhero that I made.



Escape From Afghanistan

LI: To explain in fewer words what the text is about 

Our challenge in this activity was to summarise the text in our own words. We were challenged to use powerful vocabulary instead of simpler words. My summary tells what a refugee is and it tells the ardous obstacles refugees faced.

I found this Mahdi’s journey ardous because he faced and encounter perilous obstacles such as hate for what he eats and what his religion.

Tension Graphs

LI: To gauge the tension in a text

From Afghanistan to Aotearoa Tension Graph

Escape From Afghanistan Tension Graph

My name is Rez Tension Graph

Our challenge in this activity was to gauge the tension across the events in the text. We needed to change the height of the line to show the change in tension as the story progressed. The level of tension is rated (1-10) to show how we felt throughout the text. This was a collaborative challenge so we needed to have a learning conversation to discuss our ideas and decide the tension level as a group. The texts we used for the tensions graphs are ‘Escape From Afghanistan ‘, “From Afghanistan to Aotearoa’ and ‘My name is Rez’. 

When I compare these graphs I notice the movement of the lines are similar as a rollercoaster and how the much tension is built in the three acts.

I found this activity easygoing because as a group we identified the tension levels by spliting it into the 3 acts.

Synthesis Challenge

LI: To compare and contrast the way authors hook us in and build tension in a set of texts.

Our challenge in this activity was to compare and contrast the ways each author built tension and hooked us in using evidence from the texts to support our thinking. When we had read all three texts in the set we wrote a collaborative statement to convince other students why one of the story beginnings was better than the other(s). Our team’s statement was: Our group has made a definite choice that Abbas’ Story, ‘From Afghanistan to Aotearoa’ had a preferable exposition as they used short and meaningful quotes such as. Imagine having to make an impossible choice and face misery after misery or start a new life.’ They also used the techniques called ‘rhetorical questions’ to make the readers think about the questions. Another technique is using dramatic and effective words to build the tension. In the story in the last few parts of act 1, the question in the first line has been answered when they had a catastrophic conundrum between staying in their motherland and being miserable or risking their lives to escape their misery and hope of a new era. Would you risk everything for freedom?

I found this activity interesting because we compared our information from the three texts to see which text has more tension built and we wrote an argument about why one of the text has a better beginning.