Tag: PE

Revising American Football League Skills

I revised skills from American Football League. They are throwing and catching.

First we revised how to throw a ball.  Your ring finger needs to be on the third lace. Your shoulder needs to be in a 90 degree angle. Your feet need to be side ways.

Next we revised how to catch a ball. Your hand needs to be in a trangle shape and your fingers need to be spread out. We played Down, Down, Down to practiced throwing and catching. In down, down, down you need to throw the ball to your partner. If you drop the ball you lose a life which is going on one knee, two knees, one arm, no arms.

Lastly we played a game cone drop is a team game trying to aim the ball at the cones and make it drop. To practice aiming.

I enjoyed this because I got payback to the cheating team by smacking the ball in the middle of the air. I need to improve on not using all my power when praticing. I did well at throwing and catching.



I learnt how to step in Ki O Rahi.

First we got a demostration by Ahli. He pretened he was going to his side, but he ran straight.

Then we played a stepping relay. We needed to step two cones and touch the wall. We also needed to touch the wall and come back. When we finished our relay we needed to sit down.

Lastly we played octopus but it was in a tiny square to use our stepping skills.

I enjoyed because I stepped a lot of people. I did well at stepping. I need to improve on my foot work.

Soccer Skills

I revised some soccer skills. They are dribbling, passing and stopping.

First we praticed passing and stopping by getting into a triangle. Passing is kicking the ball with the inside of your feet. Stopping is obsorbing the ball with the inside or the bottom of your foot.

Next we practiced dribbling by doing a relay race. Dribbling is kicking the ball gently and keeping the ball close to your body.

Lastly we played a mini soccer game, but it was for the people who wanted to play.

I didn’t enjoy this because I didn’t get the chance  to step any people because it was all crowed. I need to improve on passing. I did well at dribbling.

Hockey Skills

I learnt a range of  hockey skills.

First I learnt how to dribble. To dribble you need to hold your hockey stick and hit the ball between you feet and rotate your left hand anti – clockwise. We played a game called Taniwha. The first game was just dribbling and stopping the taniwha from getting the ball.

The next game I learnt a new rule which is the ball can’t touch your foot or it’s a penalty. Then I learnt the skill dribble dribble push pass. The push pass has to touch the ball and be between your feet.

Lastly we played a game called 4 corner hockey using the skills we learnt.

I enjoyed this activty because I learnt some new hockey skills. I did well on blocking the ball from the taniwha. I need to improve on controlling the ball between my feet.

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