Tag: PB4L

Class Rules and Expectations Poster

LI: To follow the classroom rules and expectations (including wet day procedures).

This week we did a PB4L poster discussing about the Class Expectations and Rules and why they’re important to follow. This poster is also about respecting the teachers and pupils in the classroom. An example of this is telling the supervisor if you are leaving the room because in case there is a fire the teachers knows where you are. It is important to follow these rules because it keeps us safe and it shows respect.

I found this instresting because I learnt about the expectations for a year 7 and in LS2.


Being Inclusive To People

I learnt how to be inclusive to people and help them in certain ways.

First I brainstormed on the different things we can do or say to the person. For example: “Do you want to play?” We also needed to tell a story when we were being inclusive. For example: I was playing soccer by myself and this kid looked like he wanted to play. “Do you want to play soccer?” I asked him. He replied “yes but I don’t want to run to the other side to where the other goal is”. I suggested to him that we should play penalty kicks. He agreed so we played.

Next I learnt the benefits of being inclusive to someone. Some of the benefits of being inclusive are being known for a nice person, making new friends, and many more. 

I enjoyed this task because I learnt different ways to be inclusive to others. I did well at the brainstorm. I need to improve on at the benefits of being inclusive. 


Scary Story

I learnt about motivational quotes.

First we told our scary storys. For example: my scary story was about me having to play the drums infront of 1,000 and more people without learning the songs and with no practice.

Next we learnt about who encouged me to not be scared. For example: “Just follow me with my guitar and you will be fine”. (He showed me hand signs so I know when to slow down or to play harder).

I enjoyed this task because I learnt that monsters were not under my bed. I need to improve on writing my story. I did well on writing my motivational thing.

Uniform and Office Procedures

We learnt about uniform and office procedures.

First we saw some questions about uniform and office procedures. We needed to figure out which questions are about uniform procedures and office procedures. For example: Why is it important to hand phones in and have them on silent? This is a office procedures because it talks about why we need to hand phones to the office.

Then we answered the question. For example: We need to hand phones to the office because it will distract us students when we our doing our work.

Lastly we recorded a video about how we should approach the office. For example: asking them politely to repeat their message or writing it down on a piece of paper.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt how to approach the office politely. I need to improve on answering the questions. I did well at figuring out the questions are for uniform procedures and office procedures.

Eating Times

There are 2 types of eating. Formal and Casual eating. There a different places when your eating formally. For example: Formal eating is when your at Grandma’s birthday and you need your manners. Casual eating is when your at your mate’s birthday party or McDonalds.

Formal eating is eating when your mouth closed, sitting down, and using your cutlery.

Casual eating is eatting as much as you can, enjoying your food and having stains on your shirt.

There are different ways to eat at certain places.

PB4L – Bathroom Procedures

I learnt the bathroom procedures.

First we used pause breath smile to calm ourselves. We also dicussed what is the best thing to do to if we are feeling angry that is calm. Pause breath smile is used for calming you down in the best way.

Next we dicussed what we thought the bathroom procedures are. These are the main procedures. They are washing your hands, informing the teacher, and using the toilet for its intended purpose.

Lastly we created a google drawing to explain the bathroom procedures.

I didn’t enjoy this because it was revising. I did well on explaining my DLO. I need to improve on using




We learnt what our uniform is and what is allowed and what is not allowed.

First we disscused what uniform is and and what kinds of uniform are allowed.

Next we made a google draw and wrote what kind of uniform are there in our school.

Lastly we wrote the correct and uncorrect uniform. For example: Socks that are black and white are allowed and red, yellow, and green socks are not allowed.

I enjoyed this task because I thought white shoes were allowed, but there are not. I did well on the correct uniform because it isn’t hard to tell what is correct. I need to improve on the incorrect because almost all of the uniform is the same colour and the others are not.