Tag: HPE

HPE – Shotput

I learnt a range of shotput skills.

First we went over the rules of shotput. One of the rules is that I push the ball and not throw the ball. For example: pushing the ball is using three fingers to hold the ball behind my ear. My elbow needs to be up and not down. My dominant hand is holding the ball and my non dominant hand is aiming.

Next in partners we practice our technique on puting the ball.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt a new sport. I did well at pushing the ball. I need to improve twisting my hips.

HPE – Long Jump

I learnt about long jump and revised running.

First we revised running. To run my dominant foot is at the back, so I can get all the speed from my dominant foot. We also put a tennis ball at the back of our dominant foot. Our goal was to not move the tennis ball when we run.

Next we learnt about long jump. To get further I need to jump with one leg. If I jumped with two feet I would lose my momentum. We also were focussing on our landing. To land I need to land with two feet so I can balance or I can squat.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt about long jump. I need to improve on landing. I did well at running and jumping.

HPE – Sprinting

I learnt sprinting skills.

First we played rats and rabits. If Coach Tray says rabits then the rats will try to tag the rabits. It is the same with the rats.

Next we did a relay race. We needed to run across the field to tag our teammate on the other side of the field and then they would run back.

I enjoyed this task because my team won. I did well at running back. I needed to improve on playing rats and rabits.



I learnt a range of badminton skills.

First we learnt how to hold a racket. To hold a racket my dominant hand needs to be on the handle my thumb needs to wrap around my hand. We did a warm up game to help us control the shuttlecock.

Then we got into partners and passed the shuttlecock to eachother. The challenge was to see who can hit the shuttlecock the most without it dropping. If I hit the shuttlecock vertical it would go up, but if I stop the racket after hitting the shuttlecock at a certain angle then it would go to my partner.

Lastly we played 2 games. The first game is being in a circle with one person in the middle calling one person names in their group. They would then have to come and hit the shuttlecock. The second game is piggy in the middle. There is one person in between 2 people, the 2 people need to hit the shuttlecock over the person without letting the person in the middle colliding.

I enjoyed this task because I had flashbacks to when I was a kid playing badminton. I did well at passing to my partner and being in the middle. I need to improve on the circle game.

T Ball Skills

We learned about different T ball skills. The skills we learned were batting, and fielding.

First we played a game that to practice fielding and batting. There is a batting team and a fielding team. The fielders need to catch the ball and put it back on the Tee. The batters need to hit the ball as far as they can. Then they to run to the cone and back.

Next we played a game of T-Ball. In T-Ball there is 3 outs per team. To get the person out as a fielder I can catch the ball on the foul or I can run to the ball and put it on the tee while the batters are running. Unfortunately my team lost.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt a new sport and some new skills. I need to improve on fielding because I always drop the ball when its coming towards me. I did well on batting because I hit the ball the far.

HPE – Team Tag

I played a game called Team Tag.

First we got into 2 groups. One group is lined up vertical and the other group is horizontal. The second group needs to have every first person has to look straight. Every seconds person needs to look behind them.

The first person of the first group needs to run without getting taged by the second group. The second group has a tagger who is at the front of the line. The tagger can’t go through the line, they need to tag the person closest to the runner.

I enjoyed this task because my team won. I did well at tagging the runners. I need to improve on running away from the taggers.

Volleyball Skills

I learnt volleyball skills. The skills are set, dig and serve.

First, in partners we practice setting. To set my hands need to be above my head and I need to use my fingers tips to hit the ball. My hands need to be bended so I have control of the ball.

Then we learnt how to dig. To dig my hands need to be straight and I have to bend my knees so I have power when I hit the ball.

We also played a game called A B C. It is a game where girls and boys are in separate circles. We need to hit the ball in the air while saying the alphabet, but if I or my team drop the ball then we have to restart.

Lastly we played a real game of volleyball. To play volleyball we can only hit the ball once in a row. There is only  3 hits on each side. My hand can’t touch the net or it is a point to the other team. If the ball goes out then it is also a point to the other team.

I enjoyed this task because my team won all the games. I did well at serving the ball. I need to improve on serving the ball.



Revising Netball

I revised skills in Netball.

First I revised passing. To pass my hands needs to be on the ball. I need to push the ball from my chest. The defenders have to be 1 metere apart from me and I can not move with the ball. I played relay race I needed to pass the ball to my teammates and if I drop the ball then we have to restart.

Then we played a game called over under. It is a game where a group of people get into a line and the ball has to go over someones head and then under their legs. If they drop the ball then we would have to restart.

Lastly we played a game of netball. There are 2 defenders in the semi circle ready to stop the ball from getting inside of the hoop. The 2 shooters have to try and make it in the hoop without losing the ball.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt a sport that I have never played. I need to improve on shooting the ball because I keep on missing the hoop. I did welll at defending because I kept on blocking the ball.



I learnt a skill in Netball.

First I learnt how to pass. To pass my hands needs to be on the ball. I need to push the ball from my chest. The defenders have to be 1 meter apart from me and I can not move with the ball.

Then we played a game. There are 2 defenders in the semi circle ready to stop the ball from getting inside of the hoop. The 2 shooters have to try and make it in the hoop without losing the ball.

Lastly we played rob the nest, but with netball rules. We can’t move with the ball and if the ball drops then my team and I have to start all over again. We also played jedi dodgeball. There is a jedi on each team and if the jedi gets hit then my team automatically loses. The jedi can make a person that is hit by the ball come back in the game.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt a sport that I have never played. I need to improve on shooting the ball because I keep one missing the hoop. I did welll at defending because I kept on blocking the ball.

Revising Basketball Skills

I revised basketball skills, they are passing and dribbling.

First I revised dribbling. When I dribble my legs need to be shoulder width apart. I have to use my fingers to get a good grip on the ball.

Then I revised passing. When I pass the ball my hands need to be in a “W” shape. My fingers are spread out when passing. When I  am catching the ball my fingers can’t be together because then the ball will just bounce of me hand.

I enjoyed this because I revised different skills. I did well at dribbling. I need to improve on passing.