Tag: Cybersmart

Swamp Tigers

LI: To create a multi-modal DLO that tells others about swamp tigers.

Our challenge was to research about swamp tigers and create multi-modal DLO that teaches others about swamp tigers. The first we did was watch videos and research about the animal. We found out that swamp tigers are afraid of humans as humans are afraid of swamp tigers. This may be because humans are taking away the swamp tigers natural habitat. The scientific name for a swamp tiger is  Panthera tigris tigris. Our DLO teaches what the swamp tiger’s diet, appearance, behaviour, habitat, and some interesting facts. The swamp tiger is a carnivore this means they only eat meat. Did you know many fishermen are killed and since swamp tigers see everything living as prey? Finding a swamp tiger is impossible due to the fact they are well blended in with its surroundings. 

I found this task interesting and fun because I learnt how fascinating this animal is.

Blog Replies

Commenting on other people’s blog is a way of commuintcating to each other. For cybersmart we learnt the different parts of the a reply to a comment. A reply needs a greeting, response (if they asked a question), and a question to make a learning conversation.

I enjoyed this because I learnt the key parts to a reply and how to write a positive reply.

How to Write an Information Report and Explanation

After reading this blog post you will know how to a information report and explanation easily.


  • Netbook or paper
  • Pencil or pen

Steps: (For an Information Report)

  1. Find a topic you want to write about
  2. Use third person
  3. Write a title
  4. Write a maxium of 3 sentences for the introduction.
  5. Write a maxium of 3 paragraphs in time order for the information.
  6. Write a a maxium of 2 sentences for the conclusion.

Steps: (For an Explanation)

  1. Find a topic that is a technology
  2. Write an intro for the topic
  3. Explain the parts from the topic
  4. Write a small summary about the topic.


Comment Thread

I learnt how to comment on other peoples blog.

First I learnt the first thing to put on a comment. The first thing to put on a comment is a greeting, what I learnt, and what I enjoyed.  For example: Kia Ora.

Next I wrote my comment. I thought about how to write a reply to the person. For example: if I had more questions I could add it, writing what I also enjoyed about the blog post.

I enjoyed commenting because I learnt how to write a comment. I need to improve on writing my greeting. I did well on writing my comment.

Harmful Digital Communication

There are many ways to be harmful digitally such as cyberbullying, black mailing, and many more. If a person digitally harms someone on email or other texting apps. They could end up in prison for 2 years or fined up to $50,000 dollars.

The 10 principles help people if they’re getting cyberbullying or something else that causes harm digitally. One of the principles is, a digital communication should not incite or encourage an individual to commit suicide. This person can have serious consequences.

Cyberbullying and black mail are serious crimes that could lead to serious consequences.


I learnt how to comment.

First I revised what I needed for a comment. I need a greeting, what I learnt, what I enjoyed, what they need to improve on, and a question about their film

Next I wrote the comment on a film. I wrote a comment on Room 7’s fim called the Wrong Book.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt how to write a comment on other people’s films. I did well on writing the questions. I need to improve on writing the improvements.


Kawa of Care

The Kawa of Care is simple guildines that to tells us how to take care of our netbook, family and ourselves.

1 of the responsible thing to do for a netbook is holding the netbook in the standard hold. This helps you not to drop your netbook when you are carring it.

1 of the responsibilities for school is if your netbook was purchased by the school and it is in repair. You get a loan device, if you were just being lazy and you forgot your netbook. You won’t be getting a loan chromebook.

There are 2 responsibilities for kawa of care. It is school responsibilities and responsible use.


Minimum Age

Minimum age requirement is important because there might be inappropriate content, swear words, hackers in games or apps.

There are minimum age restrictions because it keeps kids safe from things that might happen in the app. Example of apps restriction are: tik tok – 13+ Fornite is 7+, and Tik Tok is 13+.

Minimum age restrictions are important because people can steal important information from you.

Comment Thread

Comment thread is making a conversation by commenting.

Ahli commented on my blog post about presenting my persuasive speech. For example: Hello Mercy, Great Job for presenting your speech. I learned that Ronaldo is better than Messi. What website did you use to figure out that Ronaldo is better than Messi? I answered with Greetings Ahli, Thank you for your comment. I think the website is called soccerfacts.com again I’m not 100% sure if it’s right or not. Who is your favourite soccer player? Then it would repeat itself until it ends.

How to Attribute Websites

This is how to attribute a Website.

  1. Pick a Website.
  2. Find the website licence.
  3. Find the owner’s name.
  4. Find the text you used to get the website.
  5. Link it to the website.

It is polite to attribute even if the owner says not to.