Tag: Art

Collaborative Art

LI:  To use different types of warm and cool colours to recreate a world-known painting from Van Gogh.

This week’s art is about Van Gogh and his famous art piece “The Starry Night”. The Class was divided into 2 groups of 16 people, 1 of each group remade “The Starry Night” in warm colours and cool colours digitally. Each group divided 16 pieces of the Starry Night with each person in the group. Working as a collaborative team we gathered all or pieces to 1 DLO to finally reach our desired outcome.

I found this activity instreseting because we needed to experience the different colours and we needed to work as a team to get the right tones of colours.

Whale Tail Art

I learnt how to shade and draw my whale tail.

First I practiced shading on scrape piece of paper. I practiced shading so I could use it when I coloured in my whale tail.

Then I drew my lines on my whale tail. My design is a masking design.

Lastly I used my shading skills and coloured in the boxes. I am still working on my whale tail.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt what to do when I make a mistake. I did well at shading. I need to improve on finishing my art faster.

Whale Tail

I made whale tail about what you want to represent.

First I read articles about whales to know about the problem in the ocean.

Then I came up with a design that is figurative or literal. Our main design is figurative. Figurative is shapes or objects representing something. Literal is putting whales, fish, seaweed, and many more.

Lastly I made the actual design digtal. My design is a masking design, I chose this because it represents all the rubbish in the ocean. I also made an explaination about what it represents.

I enjoyed this task because I used my imgaination to make a design. I need to improve on making the lines straight.

Anzac Quatrefoil

I created a Quatrefoil about Anzac.

First I drew my silhouette on a scrap piece of paper. I drew a cross, and soilders paying repsect to a soilder that passed away.

Next I drew my silhouette ligthly on the actual quatrefoil. I drew the sihouette free hand. I needed to draw the silhouette lighty so I can go over it with pastel.

Lastly I coloured the quartrefoil. I coloured the silhouette and cross black. The backround red these colours show the poppy.

I enjoyed this task because I got to colour with pastel. I need to improve on not smudging the pastel. I did well on drawing the sihouette.


Anzac Quatrefoil

I created a Quatrefoil about Anzac.

First I drew a Quatrefoil about Anzac. Anzac stands for Australia New Zealand Army Corps.

Next I looked for some Anzac soilder silhouettes on google. Some ideas: soilder standing, soilders paying respect to the people who sacrificed for us, cross, and  poppy. We planned our colours and where everything be placed.

Lastly I customised my Quatrefoil. I  made the background of the Quatrefoil red because it is the colour of the poppy. Then I looked for soilder silhouettes and placed them on the Quatrefoil. I chose soilders paying respect to the people who sacrificed for us because to show that why we have a free country.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt new things about Anzac. I did well on using my ideas for the silhouettes. I need to improve on using my print design rules and not putting lots of images on my Quatrefoil.

3 P’s Quatrefoil

I created a Quatrefoil to represent the 3 P’s of the Treaty of Waitangi.

First we make a template of the Quatrefoil.

Next we use the google draw tools and add colour to the Quatrefoil.

Lastly  we drew pictures about the 3 P’s. handsake is for Partnership, people talking as a group for Participation, and  a hand under a heart for Protection.

I enjoyed this task because I used new things that I didn’t no about. I need to improve on making the circles leveled. I did well on drawing the 3 P’s.


I learnt about an art piece called a Quatrefoil created by Max Gimblett.

First we learnt about Max Gimblett and his Quatrefoil.

Then we made a template of the Quatrefoil. We first made two lines horizontal and vertical across the page until a red line shows up.

Next you make 4 circles and align it we the lines.

Lastly we delete the lines and customise the Quatrefoil with colours so we can show an emotion.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt new facts about Max Gimblett. I did well creating my Quatre foil. I need improve on algin the circles with the line.

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