
I learnt about an art piece called a Quatrefoil created by Max Gimblett.

First we learnt about Max Gimblett and his Quatrefoil.

Then we made a template of the Quatrefoil. We first made two lines horizontal and vertical across the page until a red line shows up.

Next you make 4 circles and align it we the lines.

Lastly we delete the lines and customise the Quatrefoil with colours so we can show an emotion.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt new facts about Max Gimblett. I did well creating my Quatre foil. I need improve on algin the circles with the line.

Simple Sentence

We learnt how to write simple sentences.

First we revised about the states and tenses which are: Simple, Perfect, Continuous, Future, Present, and Past.

Next we learnt what a simple sentence uses. It uses an object, a subject, and a verb. For example: Samatha flew to Chirstchurch. The sentence is Simple Past because the word flew is in past tense.

Lastly we wrote 3 sentences using the 3 tenses about 3 different photos.

I enjoyed this task because we wrote simple sentences about the things we see. I need to improve on not writing the word will in the simple present sentence. I did well on simple furture all it needs is a the word will.


Prior Knowledge

We used prior knowledge to help us understand the text.

First we went through the front page of a text called South Pacific Beats. We talked about the key topics that we may know. For example: South Pacific and beats.

We know Pacific is the ocean around us and beats may be like the culture beats that are played by the drums.

Lastly we talked about what types of drums there are and what drums are used for using our prior knowledge.

I enjoyed this using prior knowledge because it helped me understand new things about drums and the ocean around us.



SSR Selfie Ninja Kid 8

 I read 10 minutes of  Ninja Kid 8 made by Anh Do.

This book is about all the animals in town have disappeared. So Nelson and his friends including Kenny try to find the pets in the town.

This book was interesting because Nelson and Kenny try their best to save their town no matter how hard and dangerous it is.


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