Category: Ako | Learn

Google Meets Panmure Bridge School

Google’s amazing New Zealand team, Steve, Caro, Teyha and Simon came and visited Panmure Bridge School to give us advice and answered some of our questions. First they introduced themselves and asked us some questions like if we knew how long New Zealands Google headquarters has been existed. Their office in New Zealand has been existing for 16 years!

They then gave us some advice, the advice Steve, Caro, Teyha, and Simon gave us was truly inspiring. The piece of advice that opened my mind was was to dream big even when they are problems interfering with our dreams because possibilities are achievable. Google told us about the large language model which is a data base that reads information that you give it so that it is able to answer our questions. It’s like a large language model takes information that you feed it and is able to give you a wide selection of information you ask it. For example if somebody read every book in the library they can quickly think back to the books they read and answer the question.

Lastly I asked them if they think AI will take over Google. Steve then answered by saying that the AI they use is controlled like a handbrake on a car which means it will do amazing things to help Google but it will not take over. Did you know that the name “Google” is a missplelling of Googal? Googal is the number 1 followed by 100 zeros which was picked to show search engine was intended to provide large number of information.

I enjoyed this experience because I learnt important lessons and tips to help me stay on the right path for my future.


Swamp Tigers

LI: To create a multi-modal DLO that tells others about swamp tigers.

Our challenge was to research about swamp tigers and create multi-modal DLO that teaches others about swamp tigers. The first we did was watch videos and research about the animal. We found out that swamp tigers are afraid of humans as humans are afraid of swamp tigers. This may be because humans are taking away the swamp tigers natural habitat. The scientific name for a swamp tiger is  Panthera tigris tigris. Our DLO teaches what the swamp tiger’s diet, appearance, behaviour, habitat, and some interesting facts. The swamp tiger is a carnivore this means they only eat meat. Did you know many fishermen are killed and since swamp tigers see everything living as prey? Finding a swamp tiger is impossible due to the fact they are well blended in with its surroundings. 

I found this task interesting and fun because I learnt how fascinating this animal is.

Portion Sizes

LI: to learn about portion sizes and healthy eating.

We learnt about portion sizes and healthy eating. The food catergories is Protein, Dairy, Grains, and Vegtables. Protein provides us a source of energy and is good for our muscles. Vegetables and fruits are high in vitamins. For example: Oranges are high in vitamin C. Grains are high in fiber, which lowers the risk of diabetes. Dairy is high is calcium which is strength our bones.

I found this task helpful because now I am aware to balance food with different portions of food.


Howick Historical Village

We went on a trip down the history lane of how Panmure, and Howick looked like in the 1870s. Our first attraction was the walk around the village, we explored houses, churhes, and schools. In the 1870s teachers who aren’t married was forced to come school two hours before it started and clean the floors, prepare the lesson, and start a fire. In one of the houses we noticed a dead Pukeko, stuffed with some things such as newspaper. This is called taxi dermy, taxi dermy is when an animal is used for display and is stuffed with things. We then made butter which suprisingly only needed cream. The science behind is that when cream gets thinked by propeling like a whisk it turns into butter. The butter tasted really good it really surprised me that it only needed one ingredient. Our last attraction was buliding a trolley the old fashion way. Compared to this generations cart it is really different considering the trolley cart is controlled by foot and needs to be pushed by someone. On the other hand our carts are powered by engines and petrol.

This trip was fun and interesting because I experienced what it was like in 1870.

Volleyball Interschool

Our school competed in a volleyball interschool with the schools around Our Whenua. The year 7/8 girls versed Point England, Panama, Ruapotaka, Glen Taylor, and Stonefields. We won 4 games and lost 2 games.

I enjoyed this because I respented my school, and experienced what it felt like.

Mean, Median and Mode

LI: to find the mean, median and mode.

Our task was to find the mean, median, and mode in our blog posts throughout the years in Pamure Bridge School. To find the mean add up all the numbers in the group. Then divide the total with the amount of numbers there are in the group. Median is the middle of a arranged list of numbers. To find the median put the numbers in order from smallest to biggest and find the number in the middle. If they are two numbers in the middle, add them together and divde them by 2. The mode is the number that shows the most is the mode. To find the mode put the numbers in order from smallest to biggest and look for the number that shows up the most in the list.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt how to find the mean, median, mode and I also saw the progress I have made throughout the years in Panmure Bridge School.

My Pepeha

LI: To write and say our pepeha.

To help us get to know each other we have written our pepehas. This allows us to make connections and form friendships with our classmates.  A pepeha is introducing who you are, where you and your ancestors from and where you grew up. For example: I am Burmese and my ancestors are from Myanmar.

I found this activity interesting and fun because I learnt how to say who I am in a different language.

Tangrams Kick Start | Summer Learning Journey

For this activity I needed to create 4 images only using and rotating shapes from tangram. I created a football, kangaroo, shark and a house. Out of these 4 images ny favourite image to create was the football one because football is my favourite sport and it was fun and challenging to do this image.


Where’s Wally Kick Start | Summer Learning Journey

For one of the Summer Learning Journey activities I needed to create a background and my own avatar. This task was inspired by Where’s Wally. I enjoy reading Where’s Wally books because it takes my mind of anything else and I am focused on find Wally and reading it with younger ones is fun because we laugh at the photos, and we get to be with each other.

Cultural Superhero

My superhero is Hayma, who lives in the beautiful land of Myanmar, Yangon. Her abilities are that she can control nature, can talk to animals, and can shape shift into animal such as, tigers, leopards, eagles and etc. Her weakness is plastic, chemicals, fire, and Thuzar (nemesis). She has a nemesis which is Thuzar. Her backstory is that, she was walking around the forest when she saw a gem with green fog inside a clear prism. She casually grabs the gem and holds it. With excitement she takes it back to her home village and all she sees is shockness in her family eyes. She then feels a chill down her spine, and asked what is wrong with this gem? Her family said “that gem is only allowed to be picked up by people who have special powers” That is where Hayma became alive at the age of 12.